It’s still Egypt, and there’s Cleopatra. The last pharaoh. Was she a bitch? In the traditional sense of the word, certainly not… ..
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The queen of Egypt
Cleopatra’s name and Egypt belong together. But she was not of Egyptian descent. Egypt was ruled by the Ptolemy dynasty for three centuries. It was a Macedonian-Greek dynasty. Its founder was one of the commanders of Alexander the Great, Ptolemy Soter I.

When Alexander the Great died, he became ruler of Egypt.
The Ptolemas took over many of the customs of the ancient pharaohs. For example, the title ‘pharaoh’ itself and the practice of marriage of siblings. However, a Hellenistic culture was preserved throughout. But Cleopatra was the first and only Ptolemy to learn the Egyptian language. Therefore, she was very popular among the Egyptian people.
The Ptolemas took over many of the customs of the ancient pharaohs. For example, the title ‘pharaoh’ itself and the practice of marriage of siblings. However, a Hellenistic culture was preserved throughout. But Cleopatra was the first and only Ptolemy to learn the Egyptian language. Therefore, she was very popular among the Egyptian people.
The legendary beauty
In later ages, they often described Cleopatra as the most beautiful woman in the world. But the tradition of Cleopatra’s beauty is rooted in the work of a Roman historian (Cassius Dio) who lived in the III century.

We know the true appearance of Cleopatra through contemporary coins and other depictions. But on these, her a face did not fit today’s beauty ideal. Cleopatra probably had a long and crooked nose. Beside this, she had slapped forehead, thin mouth, and deep-set eyes.
Plutarch a historican lived in the I-II. Century. He was lived in a closer age of Cleopatra. He wrote that Cleopatra seduced Caesar and Antonius most with her charisma and personality.
The prodigal pharaoh
They often described Cleopatra as a prodigal and superficial rulers. She wasted huge fortunes on entertainment and various cosmetic procedures. Cleopatra spent the money for her luxurious lifestyle however she was a well prepared ruler as well.

She ascended the throne of Egypt at the age of 17. Cleopatra spokes many languages and she was familiar with mathematics, philosophy, and astronomy. When she came to power, she was a worthy counterpart to the smart Roman politicians.
The nymphomaniac ruler
Negative descriptions and recent films suggest that Cleopatra could not resist to men. In today’s words, she was nymphomaniac. She loved men and sex. And it is a fact, that her historical role is connected with her two famous lovers. They were Julius Caesar and Marcus Antonius. Supposedly besides the love the political calculation also played a major role in both relationships.

As evidenced for these statements, her the dramatic and carefully planned “entrants” with which Cleopatra introduced herself to two powerful Roman men. First they smuggled her into Caesar palace in secret, in a rug (in another tradition, in a bag).

Second, when she arrived at Antonius on a golden barge. Like Aphrodite, the goddess of love.
Why did Cleopatra die?
According to the tradition, Cleopatra decided to commit suicide because of Antonius’s death. Because it hurt her so much that she lost the man. We never know that is the love played a role in their relationship and how decisive were the political benefits. But it is certain that the fate of Cleopatra after the battle of Actium was as hopeless as that of Antonius.
Egypt was already a province of Rome at that time and Cleopatra learned from Emperor Augustus, that she would soon experience the worst thing.

What it is like when an enemy ruler falls into the hands of the Romans alive. So instead of or in addition to mourning, it also played a role in her suicide. She did not want to march through the city of Rome, exhibited in a cage as the “main attraction” of Augustus’s triumph.

The deadly snake’s bite
There is another belief about Cleopatra’s suicide. According to the legend, after Antonius stabbed himself with a sword, Cleopatra etched herself with an aspen snake to follow her love to the afterlife.

In reality, there is no source for this. We can only guess. The version of the snake bite cannot be justified. But poison could have been a likely solution. The films about her life also portray this.
Cleopatra was the last Egyptian pharaoh and a great ruler who adored men!
Read about the another famous Pharaoh, Hatshepsut here!