Hatshepsut, the pharaoh. It’s not a mistake. Pharaoh and not a pharaoh woman! The ancient Egyptians didn’t know this latter word.
Hatshepsut’s family was full of incest. But this was common among Egyptian ruling families. To marriage with a brother or a sister within the family was natural. Because they had to ensure the inheritance of the throne within the family. And care had to be taken not to dilute the holy blood and the divine origin was.

They raised the descendants separately. They often met for the first time when they got married. Until then, they only knew about each other exist. There was no close spiritual bond. And often the opponent was seen by the brothers. Therefore, perhaps the sexual relationship was easier that way.
Hatshepsut, ruled by Hatshepsut Maatkaré. She ruled for approx. around B.C.1479- B.C. 1458. The ancient Egyptian the fifth pharaoh of the XVII. dynasty. She was a pharaoh in Egypt for nearly 22 years.
Read about the sex and erotica in the ancient Egypt here!
Early years of Hatshepsut
At the beginning as the wife of her brother II. Thotmes she was in the background. For thirteen years she wore the traditional titles of queens and had a traditional role.

After her husband died, Hatshepsut had a stepson, III. Thotmes and she became a regent. But 7 years later she had already ruled as a pharaoh.

She always stated that her father actually wanted her to succeed her father on the throne. And the pictures of his temple told that the god Amon chose her. According to the drawings, the high god Amon bore her by visiting his mother in the body of his father. In another picture, it can be seen that the statue of Amon appointed Hatshepsut to the throne during the procession at the Feast of Opet.
The reign of Hatshepsut
For most of her reign there was peace in the empire. That’s why she got into huge construction in the empire.She built most of the buildings in Thebes. And she further expanded the Karnak and Luxor temple ensemble.

The famous Dejr-El-Bahari church with a terrace was built for her death temple. It is one of the most beautiful buildings in ancient architecture. However, they founded the mummy of Hatshepsut in the tomb of her nurse, Citré, in the Valley of the Kings.
We know only child of Hatshepsut. And this is Princess Nofruré. But who was her father? Hatshepsut’s husband? Not sure!
No major campaigns took place during the reign of Hatshepsut. However, international trade flourished. The best example of this is the expedition to Punt, also drawn in the temple of Deir el-Bahari.

This country was located around present-day Somalia or Eritria. From Punt, among other things, gold, precious stones, incense, and myrrh trees came.
Hatshepsut, Senenmut and the porn graffiti
The queen was generous with her courtiers. Among the nobles, Senenmut or Senmut played an extremely important role. He is, among other things, the construction manager and designer of the Dejr-el-Bahari church. In addition, he was the guard of Amon’s granaries and educator of Princess Nofruré. Several statues showed him with the princess, where he hugs the child with his arms. Like a father….

How close the relationship between Hatshepsut and Senenmut was already was guessed and talked about at that time. But the graffiti that has survived in a private tomb of the time does not leave much to the imagination. The picture depicts two naked human figures during intercourse, plus in doggy style.

One of them had a pharaonic crown on her head.
It is fact that Senenmut never married. This was unusual from an ancient Egyptian man. Several representations of Senenmut have been unearthed from the Temple of Hatshepsut in Deir el-Bahari.

Here they were carved into places where they remained hidden. For example, behind doors. This is quite unusual from a non-royal person! Egyptology are divided on how these representations got there. Did Hatshepsut know it or did not know it.

Senenmut himself states on a caption that the ruler allowed the pictures. In addition, he placed a statue of himself in several buildings. But it’s also very strange. In addition, a corridor has been revealed that connects the Queen’s tomb to the architect’s tomb. And this symbolizes their relationship, which continued into the afterlife.

There is more argument and evidence for being lovers. And that was really scandalous. Because it was customary for a male pharaoh to have multiple wives plus concubines. But what about a pharaoh who had lover a noble man? And maybe the father of her child? And what about the divine blood? The Egyptian ruling class and the priesthood didn’t tolerate this!

Hatshepsut died of bone cancer in the 22nd year of her reign. She was around fifty years old. Her descendants sought to erase her from history. Her name is not on the royal lists either. Probably because her descendants considered it contrary to the order for a woman to rule in Egypt.
The last Pharaoh of Egypt was a famous woman too, Cleopatra.